Thursday, July 18, 2013

Discussion Question

Demographics: Drucker felt that there was a common agreement to assume that any change in demographics occurs too slowly to worry about….to simply assume constancy or continued growth, and plans, marketing and otherwise, incorporate data that are certain to be growth in error.  Yet decision makers continue to repeat this error over and over.  Is this a sign of complacency, and being a process or product related company, rather than a market focused one?
I personally feel that Drucker may have been right when he made that statement, but over the last several years the demographics in the US have shifted dramatically.  Additionally, the preferences of these different groups is also changing rapidly.  I think that a company that fails to understand the demographics and their change is failing to understand the potential market.  I don’t think I would go as far as labeling it complacency unless they had the data and chose to ignore it.

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